Looking after our mental health and wellbeing is something which is good for all of us. Whether you feel like you are struggling or not, taking steps that improve how you feel and are able to cope with any challenges is a positive step.
Here’s some ideas on what you can do to look after your mental health:
Spend time with people who understand and appreciate you. This can make you feel good about who you are and give you the connection we all need. It can also give you the chance to talk about your feelings and what’s happening in your life, which is so important for looking after your mental health.
Exercise. This is one of the best ways to deal with stress and anxiety, and it can boost your mood too.
Eat a balanced diet, including fresh fruit and vegetables and without too much processed fat, sugar or salt.
Try to sleep well and get enough rest. This can give you the energy and resilience to deal with life’s ups and downs.
Avoid drinking too much alcohol or taking too many drugs. These things might make you forget your worries for a few hours. But you often feel worse afterwards.
Have a break from the internet and social media, especially if you use it a lot. We have some tips on how to do this in our blog.
Set yourself small, achievable goals and stick to them. This can make you feel good for achieving what you set out to.
Think about what you enjoy doing in life and make time for it. This could be a hobby, or spending time in certain places or with certain people.
Don’t be hard on yourself. Everyone struggles sometimes, and we all make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re having a hard time. Do things that will help you feel better instead.