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The contraceptive pill

The contraceptive pill (sometimes called the pill, birth control pills or oral contraceptives) is one of the most popular forms of contraception.

The contraceptive pill:

  • is very effective at preventing pregnancy if you take it correctly. This means taking it every day
  • will not protect you against HIV or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so you should think about using condoms as well.  

What is the contraceptive pill?

The contraceptive pill is a tablet that contains hormones. Women and some transgender men can take the contraceptive pill to prevent pregnancy. It’s very effective when taken correctly. 

There are two types of contraceptive pill available: the combination pill (which contains two hormones) or the mini pill (which only contains one hormone - progesterone). They’re both very effective. 

There are some health reasons why you might take one pill instead of the other. Your healthcare provider will be able to give you advice on which option is most suitable for you. Otherwise you might find that you prefer one type of pill to the other. If you want to swap pills, you need to speak to your healthcare provider.  

Where can I get the contraceptive pill?

From your healthcare provider or at a sexual health clinic. You might also be able to get them from community-based programmes. For example, some youth-clubs also provide sexual health services. 

How does the pill work?

It releases hormones that interrupt your normal menstrual cycle, so that you can’t get pregnant. One way that they do this is they stop an egg being released (known as ovulation), and this prevents pregnancy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking contraceptive pills?


  • Contraceptive (birth control) pills are very effective at preventing pregnancy if you remember to take them every day. 
  • It means you are in control of whether you get pregnant or not. 
  • They can stop heavy or painful periods and can sometimes help with period-related mood changes (premenstrual syndrome).  
  • Birth control pills can also reduce acne for some people. 


  • You have to remember to take it every day at around the same time.  
  • It doesn’t protect you or your partner from STIs including HIV – only condoms prevent STIs as well as pregnancy. 
  • You might get side effects, such as tender breasts, mood changes and light bleeding between periods. Often people find these get better after a while.
  • Some people have more serious side effects, including blood clots, although this is rare.  
  • Some medication can make the pill less effective. This includes some HIV treatments and antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis and meningitis. Check with your doctor about taking the contraceptive pill if you're taking any other drugs.  
  • If you vomit or have severe diarrhoea within a few hours of taking the pill, it might not work. You might need to take another pill straight away or use condoms until you’re better.  

How do I take the contraceptive pill?

You need to take the pill every day. It’s best to take it at the same time every day. 

If you are taking the combination pill, you usually take a seven-day break after 21 days of taking the pill. During this break you will normally have a period. Once the break is over, you start taking the pill again (whether you are still bleeding or not). 

If you’re taking the mini-pill you don’t take a break. 

How long does it take for the birth control pill to work?

If you start the pill in the first five days of your period you will be protected from pregnancy straight away.

If you start at another time it can take up to seven days to start working. So, keep using condoms or another form of contraception for those first seven days.

What should I do if I missed my birth control pill?

Missing your pill increases your chance of getting pregnant. The risk depends on how many pills you have missed and where you are in your menstrual cycle

If you’re worried about pregnancy, speak to a healthcare provider. You might be able take emergency contraception, but some pills can affect how these work, so get advice from a healthcare professional.

If you keep forgetting your pill, consider other methods of contraception that don’t rely on you to remember them every day, such as the implant.

If you accidentally take two pills in one day, it’s normally ok and won’t harm you. But see a healthcare provider if you feel sick or have any unusual vaginal bleeding.

How can I remember to take my pill?

Here are some tips to help you remember to take your pill: 

  • take your pill at the same time every day so it becomes a habit
  • set a daily alarm 
  • store your birth control pills next to things you use every day (like your toothbrush) 
  • carry your pills in your bag so they’re always with you 
  • ‘buddy up’ with someone who also takes medicine every day so you can remind each other 
  • ask your partner or someone at home to remind you. 

Do we still need to use condoms if I’m on the contraceptive pill?

Condoms are the only type of contraceptive that protect you and your partner from STIs including HIV, so it is worth using them even if you are using contraceptive pills.

If you are not using condoms, keep testing regularly for HIV and STIs.

Will taking the pill harm my chances of getting pregnant later on?

No. The contraceptive pill only works for as long as you keep taking it. So, if you decide you’re ready to have a baby, you can stop taking the pill and your fertility will return to normal.

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Looking for more detailed information?

Will the pill delay/stop my period?

Some people find the contraceptive pill changes the regularity of their period. Your period may stop, become lighter, or change its frequency. The likelihood of this depends on which pill you take (combination or mini). It’s also possible to delay your period by taking two packets of the combination pill back-to-back. Speak to a healthcare worker for advice on this.

Can the contraceptive pill cause hormonal imbalance or make me ‘crazy’?

The pill contains hormones, similar to the ones that women or transgender men produce naturally. Some people do experience mood changes but these should settle down after a while and not everyone will get them. If you think the pill is affecting your mood or mental health, speak to a healthcare provider.

What happens if my period comes at a different time from my seven-day break?

Lots of people have irregular menstrual cycles, especially when they're young or for reasons like stress. If you have an irregular cycle, you might experience some spotting or bleeding during your seven-day break, even if it is not a full period. You should still start your next pack of pills on day eight, whether you are still bleeding or not.

You might also get some spotting or bleeding at other points in your cycle. This is normal and you should keep taking the pill as usual if this happens. It normally stops after you have been taking the pill for a few months. 

Will the pill make me put on weight?

The pill can have side effects, and one of these is putting on weight, but everyone reacts differently – some people don’t get any side effects at all. A lot of people start taking the pill at an age when their body is changing, which is one of the reasons why people associate weight gain with taking the pill.  

If you're taking the pill and experiences side effects that you're worried about, talk to your healthcare professional. There are plenty of other birth control methods you can try. 

Can a breastfeeding mother take contraceptive pills?

It’s a good idea to speak to your healthcare provider about contraception after giving birth. You can get pregnant three weeks after giving birth, so it’s important to know your contraception options.

You can start the mini pill (progesterone only) straight after birth, even if you are breastfeeding.

It’s not recommended that you start the combination pill straight after giving birth. If you're breastfeeding, you should wait 6 weeks until starting the combination pill. You should use another form of contraception in this time. If you’re not breastfeeding, you can start the combination pill 21 days after giving birth. Talk to your healthcare provider for more advice and to check it’s safe for you. 

Can I take the pill after a miscarriage or abortion?

Yes. If you’ve had a miscarriage or abortion you can start taking birth control pills straight away.

What advice can I give to someone about the contraceptive pill?

If someone is thinking about using birth control pills, the best thing you can do is give them clear and accurate information, respect their decisions, be open and do not judge. 

They might feel embarrassed about discussing things to do with sex. If they are, you could give them details of a friendly healthcare professional, a helpline or factual online resources, like this site. 

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  • Last updated: 19 July 2024
  • Last full review: 19 July 2024
  • Next full review: 19 July 2027
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